
About the Conference

Join us to listen to young voices, learn from their lived experiences, and act boldly to integrate their perspectives into policies, practices and systems. 

Together we will:

  • Share research and evidence that illuminates the experiences of children and young people affected by domestic, family and sexual violence, including hearing from children and young people themselves.
  • Bring together policymakers, practitioners, researchers, service providers and advocates to build coalitions and foster collaboration.
  • Translate evidence into actionable insights that shape policy and practice, ensuring children and young people’s perspectives are embedded in decision-making processes.
  • Drive systemic change that prioritises the safety, healing and empowerment of children and young people.


Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety Limited was established as an initiative of Australia’s first National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children 2010–2022 (National Plan) by the Commonwealth Government and all state and territory governments of Australia. 

We build the evidence base that supports ending violence against women and children in Australia. ANROWS is a partner to the National Plan and continues to deliver and develop this function across the next decade under the National Plan to End Violence against Women and Children 2022–2032.

Every aspect of our work is motivated by the right of women and children to live free from violence and in safe communities. We recognise, respect and respond to diversity among women and children. We work to recognise and amplify the strength and knowledge that exists in First Nations Communities.

ANROWS is registered as a harm prevention charity and deductible gift recipient, governed by the Australian Charities and Not-for-profit Commission (ACNC).